Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy 14-Day Smoothing Treatment - Eyeshadow For Days
Brand Spankin' New

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy 14-Day Smoothing Treatment

A few months ago I was going on vacation but didn't have the time or money to do the keratin treatment I so desperately needed. The one I had done in NYC lasted a full 4 months thanks to the care that I gave my hair and it was time to do it again. I was heading to Punta Cana and then NYC and wanted my hair as perfect as possible.

I purchased the Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy 14-Day Smoothing Treatment and gave it a try. The night before the process I washed and conditioned my hair in order to get rid of all the knots and have it easy to manage with the treatment on. I set my alarm for 7am that morning and got to work. I washed my hair with a regular clarifying shampoo in order to get rid of any oil and residue that was in my hair from the previous night and put the keratin on. The 14 day one comes with a spray nozzle but my thick hair needed more than the little bit I was getting so I just sectioned it off, poured the product into my hands and applied it that way being careful not to over saturate like the instructions warn.

After leaving it on for 30 minutes it was time to blow dry my hair. I hate doing that. I have so much hair and I'm so lazy that my arms get tired after being up in the air for too long. As I started blow drying my hair dried easy but was still a bit frizzy at the ends and I was disappointed but whatever. The more I passed the blower the straighter my hair became and i didn't have that volume that i usually get from not putting enough tension with the brush.

45 minutes after that it was time for my flat iron. I put it at the highest setting, sectioned my hair yet again and applied the heat to  small sections of hair 8-10 times. The frizz at the end began to disappear and my hair was falling fabulously. This portion took me about an hour because I was taking my time, ate breakfast and was watching Alien.

It was December in LA so it wasn't THAT cold so having the windows open wasn't too much for me. You definitely need ventilation because your eyes can get really irritated even though the at-home doesn't contain formaldehyde.

My hair survived the entire day and even though I took a nap on my 6 hour flight to Philly that night it remained straight. When I landed in Punta Cana later on that day the humidity made my hair puff up a tiny bit but NOTHING compared to what would have happened had I not applied the products.

Overall I think it's a great alternative and a quick fix. I was able to use the left over product for two more treatments which isn't bad for something with really thick hair.

For some reason I can't find the 14-day treatment in stores anymore but I was able to purchase the 30-day one and I plan on using that one as soon as I have three hours to spare.

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1 comment :

  1. I've never tried it but have heard good things about keratin, in general. And I'm like you, I get tired of holding my arm in the air to dry my hair. Thanks so much for coming to visit my blog! It was great to see you there.


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