It's Whats on the Inside That Counts... - Eyeshadow For Days
Brand Spankin' New

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's Whats on the Inside That Counts...

What's rehab without the 12 Steps? A total waste. So Before we hit the reviews we need to briefly cover the 12 steps to a prettier you!

Step one: Admit That You Have A Problem

We've all heard the saying and I agree with it 100%. Except they forgot one tiny little detail. It's actually what's on the inside of your makeup bag that counts! If you don't have the proper tools run, don't walk, to your nearest Sephora (notice I didn't say drugstore...eeek) and you'll be on to Step 2 in no time.

So what do we need: eyeliner(s), sharpener, bronzer/blush, mascara, lip gloss(es), lip balm*, mini perfume (samples), tweezers*, foundation, primer, moisturizer and brushes*.

It seems like a lot but luckily most of the makeup essentials come small enough to fit in one small 6'x4' makeup case with room to spare for that travel toothbrush/paste we all need as well.

*Although I don't ever use drugstore makeup (EVER) I do find it wasteful to spend $25 on a brush or $10 on tweezers that can be purchased at Target for more than half the cost. And Burt's Bees and Blistex are my favorite lip balms. Especially in the winter.

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